Constipation is a problem that many people find difficulty with. Constipation is not being able to produce regular bowel movements. This can cause a body that is slow, tired, and irritable. Constipation can also make disease start in the system. This is because the body is not able to get rid of the horrible toxins that are in the system and it is redistributed through out the body.
Constipation Home Remedies - How Much Fiber Should You Take?
One of the best constipation home remedies is getting a healthy dose of fiber in every day. The average American eats only 5 - 14 grams of fiber everyday while the recommended daily intake should be around 20 - 34 grams per day. Whole grains have fiber, along with fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables are an excellent way to relieve constipation because the skin and the fiber can not be digested by the body. This means that it has to exit the body and produce a bowel movement. Also, the enzymes in the raw fruits and vegetables help to break down the food that is eaten and results in easier digestion.
Aloe Vera is a wonder plant that has been around for thousands of years and has been used for treating many digestive problems.
Drinking aloe juice acts as a muscle relaxer in the digestive tract and can promote regular bowel movements. It can also help to remove toxin build up in the colon which will also assists with gas and bloating. Aloe Vera juice can be mixed with mango juice or other fruit to taste
Avoid foods that will make constipation worse. This would be foods that are processed like cookies, frozen dinners, and highly cooked foods. Poor, unnatural food choices cause constipation. Natural foods help to relieve constipation. Drinking lots of water will help the fiber to get through the system and help to clean out the body. Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.
Another one of the constipation home remedies is having honey, molasses, or coffee. Taking in olive oil, flax seed oil, or coconut oils can also help to relieve constipation. These items help to get the digestive tract stimulated. Another great home remedy is getting regular exercise. Jogging, walking, jumping rope, or even dancing, gets the heart pumping and helps to regulate the body. It relieves stress, and gets the hormones balanced. Many people discover that they are the most regular when they are doing some type of regular exercise. Exercise also helps to get rid of the toxins in the body by getting the bowels moving.
Follow these constipation home remedies and be well on the way to having a healthy body and feeling much more energetic. These are healthy lifestyle tips that balance the entire body!
Read more about author at: natural constipation remedies
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Advice of The Healing Herbs :
Generally talk to with a doctor before using any herbs , vitamins and health supplements , women who are pregnant or nursing should not take this or any other herb without first contacting their physician.
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