Health benefits of sage

Common sage
Common sage (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Health benefits of sage - What is the sage?

Sage is a herb Belong to family «Lamiaceae», Evergreen with woody stems, Grow much in the Mediterranean region and is Used by the ancient Romans because is contain much health benefits and Used for give the cooking a good flavour, also used in the treatment of diseases, prevention Of microbes and bacteria .

Sage herb was considered one of the most important Ingredients Fundamental in ancient medicine in ancient Rome, Spread in Europe In the 16th century by a Swedish physician Named “Carl Linnaeus” Was nicknamed by the father of modern taxonomy.

Now sage herb is Very famous in the world, frequently used in tea, In France for example produces many crops each year, Chinese people like a lot Sage tea, manual she became famous.

Sage plant also called Sauge Divinatoire, Sauge des Prairies, Herbe Sacré, Common Sage, Dalmatian Sage, Al salmiya, Salvia officinalis, Spanish Sage … etc

Health benefits of sage - Vitamins and minerals

One of the best Health benefits of sage it is the content a large number of minerals and vitamins , sage is a good source of vitamin A  It is important for eyesight , contain Vitamin C help for the synthesis of structural proteins , also contain zinc, potassium, iron, calcium, copper, manganese, magnesium , caffeine , ,nicotinic acids; flavones ; nicotinamide and flavone glycosides .

Health benefits of sage - Aid in health problems

Sage herb is one of the best healing herbs, Sage is anti-septic properties, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial,    More Health benefits of sage and Aid in health problems in the picture That at the bottom. (Click on image to enlarge).

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