The best Dong quai tea benefits

English: Dong quai, Chinese angelica
English: Dong quai, Chinese angelica (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
 Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is an herb Belong to family Apiaceae “parsley, poison hemlock, carrots and celery Considered from the same family of Dong quai “ , grow much In Native to China and Can also be found Southeast Asia, Japan, Korea and other place in Asia .

No difference wise benefits in this herb despite they grow in different areas, convenience grows high and cold areas, used in old for cure many diseases And still used to this day for healthy problems will try mentioned in this article .

Also called Angelica sinensis, Danguia, Angélique de Chine, Angelica China, Tan Kue Bai zhi, Women's Ginseng, Kinesisk Kvan, Dang GUI and other names.

This herb is used in the form of capsules, powder and other forms but my favourite is Dong quai Tea and in this article we’ll talk about Dong quai tea benefits, Vitamins and minerals Located in this plant  the assistance provided by this herb for the body and also Aid in the healing many diseases .

This plant is considered One of the most popular plants in traditional Chinese medicine , Also spread in Europe To become Of the best herbs useful to humans and also for animals but in this article We will talk only The benefits that human interest .

Dong quai tea contains Some Vitamins and Minerals?

Yes Of course All herbs, Fruits and Vegetables contain Some species of vitamins and minerals, Dong quai tea is a good source of Vitamin A contain also Vitamin B12, Vitamin E and Vitamin C, Also contains some Rate of magnesium, biotin, calcium , carotenoids, ferulic acid, nicotinic acid and  carotenoids .

 What are the Aid which gives Dong quai tea for healing diseases and the Aid in the healthy problems?

Dong quai is an herb traditional in china, is a Historic plant! , use in many healthy problems, can help for the elimination of mucus excessive which causes Difficulty in breathing and other problems in the respiratory system, Dong quai tea is so helpful for  cough spasms.

Help for relaxation, comfort of the nervous system, battling tension and it very encourages relaxation, some studies have demonstrated Dong quai tea Is a natural calming Nerves and Reduce tension.

Dong quai tea help in balancing of “Estrogen Hormone” in your body This helps in improving terms of sexual health Especially for women’s , Dong quai tea can be Effective in situations of mood swings That come in menopause .

Preparation of Dong quai tea:

Bag of Dong quai tea Are placed to boil with water five to nine minutes, Add a tablespoon or two of sugar and if you want you can add Some good honey and enjoy with a good tea, much benefits for health , For pregnant women You should consult your doctor Before drinking Dong quai tea and you must consult your doctor Before utilized any herb .

      Healing Herbs Advice:

 Generally talk to with a doctor before using any herbs , vitamins  and health supplements , women who are pregnant or nursing should not take this or any other herb without first contacting their physician.
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March 1, 2018 at 1:24 AM delete

Great post. I would like to share some more related information.
Dong Quai herbal tea contains vitamin B12 and has anti-oxidant properties. It improves sleeping pattern and reduces depression, treats anemia, relieves anxiety, prevents inflammation, balances estrogen levels, promotes digestion, and helps during menopause.

